Error List

Error List

This document includes all exceptions.

Table of content


Key StatusCode Description
Unhandled 500 Unhandled Exception or crash without an exception.
System 500 This is a general error which doesn't handled by code.
InvalidOperation 500 Throws when an operation can not be done with given arguments.
NullReference 500 This is an error in code-level.
UnAuthorized 401 Returns if request doesn't have any authorization headers.
InvalidToken 401 Returns when request token is invalid.
InvalidApiKey 401 Returns when request Api-Key is invalid.
InvalidTenant 401 Returns when Api-Key is right, tanant was found but tenant is not active or suspended.
ExpiredToken 401 Returns if Bearer token is expired.
PermissionRequired 403 Returns if request token doesn't have permission to access specified data over request endpoint.
Forbidden 403 Generic 403 response.
NotFound 404 Returns when a route not found or none of entity doesn't match with route parameters.
EntityNotFound 400 Returns when if a entity not found with given identification parameter(s). This error is dynamic. Pattern is {entity_name}NotFound. For Example: UserNotFound, RoleNotFound etc...
ModelState 400 This type of response includes validation errors. Each model has their own validaiton rules.
AlreadyHas 400 This is a generic error and pattern is: {entity}AlreadyHas{type}, Examples: UserAlreadyHasPassword, UserAlreadyHasRole etc.

ModelState Errors

Inner Key StatusCode Description
Required 400 Returns when a required field is null or empty.
InvalidField 400 Return if format of a field is invalid. Field can be CreditCard, Currecny, Custom, Date, DateTime, Duration, EmailAddress, Html, ImageUrl, MultilineText, Password, PhoneNumber, PostalCode, Text, Time, Upload(File extension, size etc), url

Also this has a pattern like: Invalid{field_name}. For Example: InvalidToken, InvalidPhoneNumber etc...
DoesntMatch 400 If two field doesn't match, like Password & PasswordConfirm
MinLength 400 Returns if a field shorter than minimum length.
MaxLength 400 Returns if a field longer than maximum length
OutOfRange 400 Returns if a numeric field less or greater than required range.



Key StatusCode Version Description Example Message
DefaultError 400 v2+ Default identity result error message. An unknown failure has occured.
DuplicateEmail 400 v2+ Error for duplicate emails. Email '{0}' is already taken.
ExternalLoginExists 400 v2+ Error when a login already linked A user with that external login already exists
InvalidEmail 400 v2+ Invalid email Email '{0}' is invalid
InvalidUserName 400 v2+ Usernames can only contain letters or digits -
NoTokenProvider 400 v2+ Error when there is no IUserTokenProvider. -
NoTwoFactorProvider 400 v2+ Error when there is no provider found -
PasswordMismatch 400 v2+ Error when a password doesn't match -
PasswordRequireDigit 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have a digit Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
PasswordRequireLower 400 v2+ Errr when passwords do not have a lowercase letter Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z').
PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit 400 v2+ Error when password does not have enough letter or digit characters Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.
PasswordRequireUpper 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have an uppercase letter Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').
PasswordTooShort 400 v2+ Passwords must be at least {0} characters. Error message for passwords that are too short
PropertyTooShort 400 v2+ Error for empty or null usernames {0} cannot be null or empty.


Key StatusCode Version Description Example Message
UserNotFound 400 v2+ Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
NoPassword 400 v2+ Error when a user does not have a password User {0} does not have a password.
WrongPassword 400 v2.1+ Error when a user exist but password isn't right. -
UserLockedout 400 v2+ Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.
NotAllowed 400 v2+ A flag indication whether the user attempting Inoto sign-in is not allowed -
InvalidEmail 400 v2+ Invalid email Email '{0}' is invalid
InvalidUserName 400 v2+ Usernames can only contain letters or digits -
LockoutNotEnabled 400 v2+ Error when lockout is not enabled when forced by tenant. -
NoTokenProvider 400 v2+ Error when there is no IUserTokenProvider. -
NoTwoFactorProvider 400 v2+ Error when there is no provider found -
ExternalLoginNotExist 400 v2+ No External Login provider found by given name -
UserAlreadyDeleted 400 v2.1+ User is deleted and can not log in -
UserIsBanned 400 v2.1+ User is banned for any reason and can not log in -
NotActivatedEmail 400 v2.1+ Email validation is active and user hasn't confirmed own e-mail yet. -
NotActivatedPhoneNumber 400 v2.1+ Phone number validation is active and user hasn't confirmed own phone number yet. -


Key StatusCode Description
InvalidToken 400 Error when oldToken is invalid or expired.
InvalidRefreshToken 400 Error when refreshToken is invalid or already used before.
UserNotFound 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
UserLockedout 400 Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.


Key StatusCode Version Description
UserNotFound 404 v2+ Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
IdentityResult 400 v2+ Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.
UserLockedout 400 v2+ Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.
NoPassword 400 v2+ Error when a user does not have a password User {0} does not have a password.
InvalidCurrentPassword 400 v2 v2.1 Error when current password of user is invalid Current password is invalid.
PasswordMismatch 400 v2.1 Error when current password of user is invalid Current password is invalid.
PasswordRequireDigit 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have a digit Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
PasswordRequireLower 400 v2+ Errr when passwords do not have a lowercase letter Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z').
PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit 400 v2+ Error when password does not have enough letter or digit characters Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.
PasswordRequireUpper 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have an uppercase letter Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').
PasswordTooShort 400 v2+ Passwords must be at least {0} characters. Error message for passwords that are too short


Key StatusCode Description
UserNotFound 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
NoTokenProvider 400 Error when there is no IUserTokenProvider -
InvalidEmail 400 Invalid email Email '{0}' is invalid


Key StatusCode Description
UserNotFound 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
UserLockedout 400 Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.
InvalidToken 400 Error when resetToken is invalid or expired.
PasswordRequireDigit 400 Error when passwords do not have a digit Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
PasswordRequireLower 400 Errr when passwords do not have a lowercase letter Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z').
PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit 400 Error when password does not have enough letter or digit characters Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.
PasswordRequireUpper 400 Error when passwords do not have an uppercase letter Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').
PasswordTooShort 400 Passwords must be at least {0} characters. Error message for passwords that are too short

Add Password

Key StatusCode Version Description
UserNotFound 404 v2+ Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
AlreadyHas 400 v2, v2.1 Error when user already has password, and can't add new password. User already as a password!
UserAlreadyHasPassword 400 v2+ Error when user already has password, and can't add new password. User already as a password!
PasswordRequireDigit 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have a digit Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
PasswordRequireLower 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have a lowercase letter Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z').
PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit v2+ 400 Error when password does not have enough letter or digit characters Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.
PasswordRequireUpper 400 v2+ Error when passwords do not have an uppercase letter Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').
PasswordTooShort 400 v2+ Passwords must be at least {0} characters. Error message for passwords that are too short

Change Phone Number

Key StatusCode Description
UserNotFound 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
InvalidPhoneNumber 400 Error when given phone number is invalid. The phone number {0} is invalid.
UserLockedout 400 Error when a user account is locked out. User {0} is locked out.

Delete Account

Key StatusCode Description
UserNotFound 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.
UserAlreadyDeleted 404 Error when a user does not exist User {0} does not exist.



Key StatusCode Description
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